The Big AI Chat: Is AI about to change our lives forever?
In the latest Talking Cod, Phil, Dave, and Andy talk AI. Phil already seems to have replaced himself with an AI avatar, so we're not entirely sure if he's on this episode or not. But with ChatGPT-4 being so omnipresent at the time of recording, we figured it was time to explore what this means for work, life, and everything else. And as we venture further into this rapidly advancing frontier, the question remains: are we embracing a brighter future or stepping into uncharted territory that we don't fully comprehend? As always, if you like what you hear, give us a like, share and a follow. And maybe a comment. Or, if you want to get involved, email us at
Creators and Guests

Andy Hall
Love to ask questions and learning about myself and others every day. Hate labels except; Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Host, Mentor, Husband, Dad, Friend. Mental health ambassador. Triathlete. Make a positive difference every day.

David Eccles
Development Director. Middleman. Trail walking, running, riding, fire lighting, BBQ’r (AKA The Rave)

Phil Birchenall
I’m the founder of Diagonal Thinking, a smart consultancy for people in the creative, media and digital industries.