Running up that hill: and down it again. Author Richard Askwith.
In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Richard Askwith, one of Andy's favourite authors and a renowned fell running expert, about staying active as we age, the benefits and drawbacks of competitiveness, and the joys of running with others. Richard also shares fascinating stories about his experiences as an author, including completing the Bob Graham Round and becoming an international Masters athlete.
If you're interested in running, becoming an author, middle-aged guys 'Talking Cod,' or want inspiration to stay active and young at heart, this episode is for you.
Richard's latest book, "Race Against Time," is a must-read, and you can find it on Amazon and other good book (and running) shops. Alternatively, you can listen to it on Audible.
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Creators and Guests

Andy Hall
Love to ask questions and learning about myself and others every day. Hate labels except; Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Host, Mentor, Husband, Dad, Friend. Mental health ambassador. Triathlete. Make a positive difference every day.

Phil Birchenall
I’m the founder of Diagonal Thinking, a smart consultancy for people in the creative, media and digital industries.

Richard Askwith
Writer, editor, etc. Books: The Race Against Time, Feet in the Clouds, Today We Die A Little, Running Free, Unbreakable, etc. Irregular, incompetent tweeter